Welcome to HOOFMEDIX Hoof & Dental Care
(877) 544-6636
(877) 544-6636
Three ways HOOFMEDIX is different
1. HOOFMEDIX guarantees balance in every horse, every time.
2. HOOFMEDIX efficacy is based upon a proprietary measurement matrix. This matrix preserves and or restores the health and strength of the hoof.
3. HOOFMEDIX uses high RPM, high frequency tools that resonate at a healing 200 - 225 Mhz (Megahertz) to support whole body health & soundness for your horse.
HOOFMEDIX improves horse health and performance GUARANTEED!
HOOFMEDIX uses a proprietary measurement matrix PLUS High RPM, high frequency tools to encourage rapid healing of common problems such as thrush, white line disease, founder, laminitis, navicular, and more. The process is a bit complex, but used in conjunction with whole body balance through restoration of dental health/grind,
HOOFMEDIX combines hoof and dental care to destress the body and support homeostasis, or the best health the horse is capable of.
It is not commonly known that hoof care is only as good as your horse's dental health and vice versa.
As the horses moves its feet the movement causes reactions in the skeleton that affect your horse's well-being.
The horse is naturally designed so that during movement the jaw moves back and forth and side to side. This connection between the feet and teeth is called, DENTAL GRIND.
Yes, dental grind and hoof health are synonymous! You must have one to get the other! In fact, this relationship is VITAL to your horse.
So, what is dental grind?
DENTAL GRIND is the stimulation of the nerves in the teeth as the horse moves. This in turn signals messages to the horse's nervous system. This process is known as PROPRIOCE PTION.
PROPRIOCEPTION is the sense of self-movement and body position.
A horse with unbalanced feet and teeth is like having square tires on your bicycle!
Improper and imbalanced hoof care and dental procedures interrupt the horse's natural abilities and often, leads to injury, disease, behavioral issues and more, so an in depth understanding of the anatomy and horses' natural biomechanical needs is vital to your horse's health.
EVERYTHING is connected!
If you are considering HOOFMEDIX for your horse's health, you need to know that WHOLE BODY BALANCE is the number one goal of the HOOFMEDIX method.
HOOFMEDIX is not just hoof care. HOOFMEDIX is WHOLE BODY health for your horse.
Natural hoof care PLUS Dental care, done right to insure your horse's health is kept at its optimum best!